Pastor Ed Buchanan and his wife Roberta have been faithful members of First Baptist Church since 2005. Ed is an Air Force veteran who, upon his retirement from the service, served as the Wade Christian Academy School Administrator for seven years. Both Ed and Roberta love the Lord, and both were saved at a young age. They have been faithfully serving the Lord in churches across the country in many different capacities as the Lord gave them the opportunity to live in several different states during their 30-year career in the U.S. military. He currently teaches Middle School Bible class in our Christian School, serves as our College & Career Singles Ministry Leader, heads up our Comfort Care Ministries; visiting our sick and hospital bound saints, oversees our church prayer chains along with their respective online communities, is our AWANA Club Commander, Baptism Ministry Director, and manages our church website. The Buchanans have been married over 40 years and have 2 grown daughters.